Sunday, June 22, 2008

June Update

I know it's been awhile, so I thought I needed to give an update on the Perez lives and, of course, some cute Reece pictures!

I'm getting really good at drawing Elmo!

See what can happen if you aren't looking for five minutes! Reece was very proud of what she had accomplished. Then, Mommy helped her put it all back.

I could not get this one to turn around, but I thought it was so cute!

Mommy and Reece made "cake" (brownies).

Uh, Oh... I hope that bite didn't have raw eggs in it!!

Now the fun part! Yum!!

Reece loves to help. She says, "Help me!" because I always say, "Can you help me??"

Reece LOVES shoes! She puts on anyone's shoes and can even take her own shoes on and off.


We have been busy with normal work and life, and MANY trips to Grandmama's pool, the neighborhood splash-pad, and our very own yellow plastic tub in the driveway. Reece says "suit!!" when she wants to put on her swim suit and head off to the pool. Daniel has been working nights and a lot of over-time. We miss him, but have lots of good family time when he is home.

I am 20 weeks pregnant and still feeling great! This has been a thankfully un-eventful pregnancy. I felt the baby move right at 15 weeks, and Daniel has already gotten to feel him or her several times. This baby is active! I don't remember feeling Reece until I was 20 or so weeks. We had an ultrasound 2 weeks ago and everything looks great with the baby. He or she was only 10 ounces! Hard to believe something that small can move and kick already! We held strong and didn't find out the sex, so you'll all be as surprised as we are in a few months. We like the name Joseph Mitchell for a boy and I like the name Olivia Joyce for a girl, but Daniel isn't a fan of the girl name, so I'll leave picking the girl name up to him. It is fun not knowing what the sex is. There is a lot less pressure to get everything "ready" before the baby comes. What does a second baby need, anyway?? I guess I'll have to buy some blue onesies just so our boy won't have to wear Reece's pink hand-me-downs! :)

I am almost done with my Hebrews class! Praise the Lord!! I have one test to take, and by His grace, I will get to take it this week, pass it, and be DONE!! What a great feeling that will be. I have been thinking a lot about my options as far as childbirth goes. Hospital? Birthing center? Home birth? ... It's a shame that insurance dictates so much of options for heath care. The last two options may not even be options after I get the chance to check with my insurance. Any advice on these areas would be greatly appreciated!! I just saw the movie "The Business of Being Born" and I HIGHLY recommend it!

MAF Update

We have sent in our application and all our references are in, so we are officially approved to go for our technical evaluation in August. We are still mulling through lots of paperwork, so keep praying for us! Sometimes it gets discouraging because it seems like they are trying to find some reason to not accept us. I know they are just doing their job and I also want them to tell me if they don't think we're right for this. But hopefully in August we'll get to meet some friendly and encouraging faces.
Bye from all of us!! :)

A Glimpse into the lives of a family on a journey to serve God through aviation in Indonesia!