Friday, June 22, 2007

We are Busy!

For Daniel's Father's Day gift, I took him to an Astros game. We actually had really great seats. We were in row 36, but towards the end of the game, we moved up to row 10. Unfortunately, Reece did not go with us. It is really loud down there, and I don't think she would have made it through the whole game. Especially since it went into extra innings!Being this close was a first (and probably a last!) for us. I think this is Lidge pitching. It was a really close game, but in the 11th inning, we lost to the Oakland Athletics (what kind of a name is that, anyway!!)

A couple days after the game, Reece and I embarked on our first road trip together (well, we did go to Dallas once before this, but that was a little different.) This is Reece in her first hotel room. We shared a bed!! But, neither one of us really slept that much!
We went in one vhicle to Oklahoma (6 hours away) with 3 adults, one 7 month old, one 10 month old, a 4 year old and a 7 year old. It was a crowd!! This is Reece's cousin Rowan.

The next few pictures are random, but fun.

Reece loves her Daddy!

Our dog is so weird! He is not allowed on the couch, but Daniel is a softy when it comes to this rule. And I guess he's not really on the couch, he's on Daniel! The two of them took a long nap together like this! Is a 100 pound dog still considered a lap dog?

Reece is NOT a boy, but she looks so cute in her cap!

I've been trying to capture her new facial expression on camera all week, and this is the best I've gotten so far. She squenches up her nose and puckers her lips every time is is frustrated, which is a lot lately since she is trying to crawl. I know she's not happy when she does this, but it's SO cute! Reece got her first pair of sandals! She's ready for summer!


Lindsee Lou said...

Thanks, Becky! It was really fun to do. But, I am glad it's over so I don't have to memorize any more lines! :)

Reece is precious, and so photogenic!

Hope you have a great week!


P.S. I am going to link you on my blog! :)

Margaret said...

What? No July pictures : (

Can't wait till playgroup tomorrow!!

A Glimpse into the lives of a family on a journey to serve God through aviation in Indonesia!