Monday, August 13, 2007

9 months--Can you believe it??

9 months!

This past weekend, Reece hit a couple more milestones. I have been trying to teach her to clap for the past few months and on Saturday, in the pool of all places, out of nowhere, Reece clapped!! And she really hasn't stopped since then!! Also, her first tooth started coming in on Friday. I can see just a speck of white in her bottom gums. It's about time! I just love her SO much. Ya know how sometimes you get sick of your dog or mom or sister, well I keep waiting to get sick of her, and I don't think I ever will. I can't get enough of her!

Friday, August 10, 2007

It's Been Awhile...

Galveston Beach Vacation
My WHOLE family went to Galveston for the week and stayed in a beach house together. It was a lot of fun!

Reece loved the sand! I tried and tried to keep her mouth free of sand, but I had to give up because she was a maniac with that sand! She just wanted to eat it and spread it all over her whole body. We has a lot of baths that week!
Sand Eater!

Reece and Rowan in their bikinis! Daniel was out fishing that day and that's how I got away with putting Reece in the bikini!

Reece conked out in the beach chair. All that sand eating and crawling in the waves is hard work!
The whole family at Moody Gardens

I can't believe how time flies! It's been a long time since the last time I posted an update. I have two excuses for this: one, I started a new job three weeks ago, and two, our Internet has been down for about a week. My new job is at a Pediatrician's office three days a week. The kids there are pretty fun and the staff is great! The best part is that I get to spend the mornings and evenings with Reece instead of not seeing her at all when I worked the 12 hour shifts.

Reece is almost 9 months old and is doing great! She is crawling like a pro, pulling up on everything, and has some more great tricks like sharing, waving bye-bye, saying da-da (actually to her daddy!), eating more finger foods, giving kisses, and drinking from a cup (only if I hold it for her).

Daniel is very busy flying and has lots of students. He is also remodeling our bathroom shower, which is a slow process since he is really busy with work, but it looks great so far.
9 month picture coming soon!

A Glimpse into the lives of a family on a journey to serve God through aviation in Indonesia!