Tuesday, January 19, 2010

MAF in Haiti

Before the devastating earthquake in Haiti, MAF had 4 pilot families living and serving in Port-Au-Prince. These people went through the earthquake and despite a very scary event and destroyed homes, they all survived. The pilots remained in Haiti and the families were evacuated back to their family in the US and Canada.

It's amazing to see how God is using MAF to meet the needs of the people of Haiti. And it's not like they are strangers or outsiders... they live there and know the people and have relationships with them.

I wanted to post an article of what MAF is doing there now, but it isn't letting me for some reason. So, here is the link if you're interested.

There is also a really interesting blog I found of one of the MAF families serving in Haiti. It is a very real glimpse into their lives and what is really going on in Haiti. You can click here to see it.

Daniel and I are so excited to be a part of this organization that is truly the hands and feet of Jesus!! Not only do they tell of His love, but they show it in a real, tangible way.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

MAF Update

It's only been a few weeks since our last newsletter went out, but a lot has changed! Our outgoing needs are now up to 91% fulfilled and our monthly needs are up to 55%! It has been neat to see God provide so much in just a few weeks! The month of December has been pretty slow for us as far as individual meetings go, but God is still working in the hearts of people and enabling them to give to our ministry. Those people that are giving are making an investment in the Kingdom of God so that people will know His love and truth!

The last few weeks we (well, mainly just me) have had some moments of freaking out as we think about all we have to purchase and take to Indonesia. My amazing husband so humbly and gently reminded me today, "Have we forgotten what He has done?" Not only has God already provided abundantly for our ministry needs so far, but even before we started raising support, God generously and graciously provided all the funds and details we needed to even be able to apply with Mission Aviation Fellowship!

So, with much to be accomplished and figured out, we are reminded that this is God's plan and HE is in control!! He knows the end, He has provided thus far and he will not leave us now!! We are excited and energized by God's faithfulness and promises to never leave us or forsake us.

Christmas Pics, better late than never!

So, I know I said I would post some pictures of our Christmas fun, and since they are so stinkin' cute, I thought I'd go ahead and post them even though it's a little late.
Here are our Christmas morning buddies. (Notice Joe's bed-head.)

Okay, so the story here is that Daniel let Reece pick out a Christmas present for me, and he let her pick out whatever she wanted to get me. She thought I would like some jewelry (which she knows I love) so he took her to the wal-mart jewelry aisle. She picked this lovely purple necklace, which happened to match the shirt I was wearing! Okay, so the necklace doesn't even look that bad in this picture, but believe me, it's bad!! And, it even has a matching bracelet and earrings!! I love her for her thoughtfulness and her princess taste in jewelry! :)
Reece and Aunt Elizabeth. They were cooking and crafting buddies during Elizabeth's visit.
Cute hat from Aunt Elizabeth! Poor Joe has a big head, though, so it's a little snug!

Rowan and Reece. Eatin' pickles and playing with there new goodies.
Joe opening his present with Grandmama.
Hanging out with Grandpa!

There is a lot of tooth-brushing going on it our house. Joe got a toothbrush and toothpaste in his stocking and he has taken to becoming obsessed with brushing. He screams when I take the toothbrush away, so now we have to have a whole "bye-bye toothbrush" ceremony every evening before bed. He's even learned how to climb the stool and get it off the counter when I'm not watching! So, of course, since Joe now loves his toothbrush, Reece does, too. Oh well, hopefully it will last and they'll both have nice teeth! :)

A Glimpse into the lives of a family on a journey to serve God through aviation in Indonesia!