Sunday, October 14, 2007

Busy Girl

Experimenting with new hairstyles..

The pigtails are SO cute...

But Reece doesn't think so!

Reece LOVES to eat. She'll eat just about anything. We are blessed with a great eater! No more baby food for her. She's on to big-girl food. She has two bottom teeth and at least 4 coming through on the top!
All done!! When I say, "All done?" she claps her hands. That's our signal.

10 month picture (I'm a little behind on this one) I can't get her to sit still for these anymore!

11 month picutre. I'm a happy girl!

Mommy and me
I'm a very busy girl. I like to empty my mom's wallet. She has a lot of fun cards in there! (Mommy stopped letting Reece do this when she couldn't find her debit card! - I found it later, though.)

A fun picutre of Reece entertaining herself with the Kleenex box. We were in the living room when she crawled into my bedroom. I waited awhile to go check on her just to see what she was doing, and this is what I found! (I had a fun video, but I don't know how to get it on here :)

A kiss on the cheek for Daddy

1 comment:

Lindsee Lou said...

Absolutely precious. That's all I have to say about that child.

And seriously, Becky, when I'm home next semester you need to bring her over so my mom and I can babysit. :)

A Glimpse into the lives of a family on a journey to serve God through aviation in Indonesia!