Thursday, April 24, 2008

News, News, News

Okay, so it's only really one piece of news, but it's BIG! I mean REALLY big!
...Actually, hopefully it won't be that big. Hopefully it will only be about seven pounds or so...

That's right! I'm pregnant!!!! We are VERY excited!!

I finally get to tell all my blogging friends. I feel like I've been lying to you guys for so long. Although, most of the people who read this already knew (b/c I don't really think a whole lot of people read this) now I can come clean and tell everyone!

A fun fact: My due date is November 6. Reece's second birthday is November 12. If I can hold out for six days, they'll have the same birthday!! (My brother and I also have the same birthday!)

Yea! Another baby on the way!


Erica said...

Congratulations, Becky! How exciting! I didn't know, so at least you were able to surprise someone through blog land! How fun!!

Sarah said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you. Are you going to find out what you are having?

Jaclyn said...

Yay!!!!! What wonderful news! I am so happy for you and Daniel!

Lindsee said...

What FUN news!!! Congratulations!!! I am so very happy that there may be another precious Perez baby on the way!!!

Jon and Sally said...

SUCH fun news!! Jude and Brennan will be just one month shy of two years apart! Fun ages!!
Glad you guys seem to be doing well!
Jon and I went to the Weekend to Remember Conference before we left the states and really enjoyed it! You can choose the hotel you stay in (rather than staying where the conference is held)...that's the only way I know how to cut costs! Hope you find a way to make it happen! We also recommend staying at the hotel through Sunday night after the conference because there's just SO much to process before life hits you bright and early Monday morning!!

cristina said...

congratulations! see, you did surprise people. :)

The Boudreaux Family said...

I had no idea. Congratulations! Whooo hooo! :)

A Glimpse into the lives of a family on a journey to serve God through aviation in Indonesia!