Saturday, August 2, 2008

Off to Idaho

At 6:29AM tomorrow morning we will be on a plane headed to Idaho. We are going for our two week technical evaluation with Mission Aviation Fellowship. This is where Daniel will fly with them and work on planes with them to see if they want us to be a part of their organization. We will also have several interviews and even spend all day one day with their psychiatrist! We are staying in one of their apartments and they even have a babysitter lined up for Reece for our interviews. I will mainly just be taking care of Reece and trying as much as I can to get to know the people in the office.
PLEASE pray for us!

-safe travel and a good flight with Reece. (She and I both just came down with colds!)
-wisdom and knowledge for Daniel as he is tested on basically everything he knows as a pilot/mechanic
-lots of opportunity for us to see if we fit in and click with the people of MAF
-that Daniel and I would support and encourage one another as we decide, with God's leading, if this is what we are supposed to do.

We are excited but very nervous! We can't wait to tell you all about it when we get home! :) If you have any questions about what we are doing or what MAF is about, please email me or leave a comment and I'll do my best to answer it.

Daniel, Becky, Reece and Baby Perez :)


Jon and Sally said...

Lifting you up!!
I'm going to pr specifically for Reece's sleep... that was our biggest attack during travels & training that caused all three of us to be grouchy!! I'll be pr-ing for good sleep, clear heads, and unity (even in the small things (like where to eat)) for you & Daniel!!
I hope it's SO fruitful & crystal clear as to what you should do next!!

Nalley Family said...

We are praying for you guys! I am praying Reece sleeps well and gets over her cold super fast. We pray God will confirm His great plans for your family during these two weeks! We will be thinking of you guys often.
We will miss you guys!

The Boudreaux Family said...

Please find comfort in knowing that we and others are praying for you and this new opprotunity. I can't wait to hear how it all went. So exciting.

A Glimpse into the lives of a family on a journey to serve God through aviation in Indonesia!