Sunday, January 10, 2010

MAF Update

It's only been a few weeks since our last newsletter went out, but a lot has changed! Our outgoing needs are now up to 91% fulfilled and our monthly needs are up to 55%! It has been neat to see God provide so much in just a few weeks! The month of December has been pretty slow for us as far as individual meetings go, but God is still working in the hearts of people and enabling them to give to our ministry. Those people that are giving are making an investment in the Kingdom of God so that people will know His love and truth!

The last few weeks we (well, mainly just me) have had some moments of freaking out as we think about all we have to purchase and take to Indonesia. My amazing husband so humbly and gently reminded me today, "Have we forgotten what He has done?" Not only has God already provided abundantly for our ministry needs so far, but even before we started raising support, God generously and graciously provided all the funds and details we needed to even be able to apply with Mission Aviation Fellowship!

So, with much to be accomplished and figured out, we are reminded that this is God's plan and HE is in control!! He knows the end, He has provided thus far and he will not leave us now!! We are excited and energized by God's faithfulness and promises to never leave us or forsake us.

1 comment:

Sean Cannon said...

Hi Perez's...this is great news! Not sure if you have heard our name, but we are in your same boat raising our team as we go to Indo as well. I'm sure we will be in language school together. We are so crazy in fact, this is our second time raising support with MAF. And yes, we wonder how we will be able to get all the "essentials" as we pack for Indo. But, as you said, God has already done some awesome things, why would he stop now?! Anyway, we pray for you, I'm sure we'll see you some time in person. Have a great week...Sean

A Glimpse into the lives of a family on a journey to serve God through aviation in Indonesia!