We had an Easter Egg hunt and picnic with our friends from church. It was lots of fun. We really tried to emphasis that Easter means "Jesus is alive in our hearts." We taught Reece Matthew 28:20 "And Jesus said, "I am with you always." (changed a little so a 2 year old could memorize it!)
It was really surprising to me this year the amount of bunnies, chicks, eggs and flowers that were advertised this Easter. Stores were packed with them! Every store I went to, I looked for a book about Jesus or something to do with Jesus. I was shocked at how little there were. It made me really jealous for people to worship Christ! I guess things like that stand out even more when you are aware of what is going into your little one's mind.
Some of Reece's very best friends Jade and Abigail. Reece was very concerned that Jade or Abigail would try to take her eggs so she moved up a few steps so she could eat in peace...we're working on sharing and being generous!
The day before the picnic, we had our small group families over for dinner and smores. It was SO fun. We love our small group friends! Here's Jade being silly with a "hat"
Here's Abigail showing us her awesome walking skills!
Another addition to our schedule as of last evening... Solid foods! I'm starting with rice cereal this week because I just ordered a baby food grinder. I've heard some really great things about it and also some not so great things about grinding your own baby food. I thought I'd give it a try since the grinder was only $20. I'll let yall know how it goes!
Joe ready for some steak and potatoes!!
His reaction to the first bite...not quite steak and potatoes!
Okay, Mom! That's about all the rice cereal I can take!! (Oh yea, and I forgot to buy bibs! :)
Reece's thoughts on giving Joe baby cereal...thrilling...
And last, but not least: Joe's passion in life: HIS JUMPER!! He loves this thing. He's usually really quiet and laid back, but once it's jumper time, he lights up. As someone in the church nursery said, "He becomes a NEW MAN!"
Oh, the Jumperoo. The music just makes my heart skip a beat. I love the Jumperoo. I can't wait. So, so cute!!
I love to watch him jump!!
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