Saturday, June 12, 2010

Latest Newsletter

I just wanted to quickly post a link to our latest newsletter:
Check it out if you haven't seen it already.
Also, see the side of our blog for the most up-to-date support levels. It is even higher than it was when we sent out our newsletter! God has been really faithful to speak to the hearts of people to support our ministry.
I hope to post more family and flying updates this week.

1 comment:

Sarah DeSalvo said...

That links to your March newsletter for some reason...

I did find the May one and read it. Sorry I didn't provide you more cultural comments, sounds like you got some elsewhere though :-) We look forward to seeing you in Papua! We sure hope you end up in Wamena but know that you will enjoy it wherever you live!

A Glimpse into the lives of a family on a journey to serve God through aviation in Indonesia!