Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! We had a good one. We went camping with my family (a Wortley tradition) at Lake Sommerville. Daniel only stayed one night due to his work schedule, but Reece and I stayed from Wednesday to Saturday. We ate a lot of yummy food, hung out with the family and went on walks. Reece practiced her walking in the dirt and leaves. It was SO cold outside, so we got to wear all our warm clothes (which we don't have a lot of!)

The sleeping situation was quite a challenge. Reece and I slept in the same bed together. I never knew how much she tossed and turned!! It was fun to cuddle all night for a couple of days, but I'm very glad she is back in her crib tonight! Here are some fun pictures!

Reece practicing her walking.

Uncle Michael reading me my favorite book.

As soon as we decided to take this picture, Reece started crying. It would have been a great picture if Reece wasn't crying! Although, it shows the other side of the campout...Reece's sleep deprivation!!

Listening to Grandad's music! Fun! Notice the socks on the hands. We didn't bring any mittens!

The Kid's table
Hanging out around the fire in a Reece-sized chair.
Now Rowan's turn

Eating fruit snacks together in the RV! Reece is wearing two hats because it was SO cold outside!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Happy First Birthday, Reece!!

Reece's first birthday was on November 12. She had a great party 2 days before her real birthday. We had a lot of friends and family there to celebrate with her. Thanks so much for coming!! Reece was a little overwhelmed at first, but she warmed up to everyone. She liked eating her chocolate cake and playing with all her new, fun toys. On her real birthday, we got our family pictures taken and opened a few more presents from Mom and Dad. Her favorite presents were her "touch and feel" books and her doll that she likes to kiss. She started walking really well in the evening of her real birthday!

Happy Birthday Reece! We love you SOOOO much!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


To those of you who check this blog, I need your help!! (and I know there are at least a few of you, so speak up!)

We recently got our family pictures done (actually on Reece's first birthday) and I'm having trouble picking out the last two pictures that come in the package we're getting.

So, go to this website:
password: becky
What do you like better for a 5x7? 6, 36, or 27
What do you like better for a 11x14? 5 or 21
If you like something better, you can tell me, but I may already be getting it in a different size.
Thanks SO much!!

By the way, I really like the lady who did these pictures. Her website is She's a Christian and works a lot with children. The park we went to was beautiful!! She's all the way in Leauge City, and a little pricey, but great if you want to splurge (or get it for you Christmas present like me :)

Reece's first birthday pictures to come!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Puppy in the Pumpkin Patch

Can you spot the Puppy??
Reece can really get going when she's walking with her "walker." She hasn't taken a step without it, yet. It won't be long, though.
She can stand by herself with no problem and for however long she wants. And, she can even get up from the floor into a standing position without help. I think she probably could take a step, but she just doesn't want to yet! :)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Busy Girl

Experimenting with new hairstyles..

The pigtails are SO cute...

But Reece doesn't think so!

Reece LOVES to eat. She'll eat just about anything. We are blessed with a great eater! No more baby food for her. She's on to big-girl food. She has two bottom teeth and at least 4 coming through on the top!
All done!! When I say, "All done?" she claps her hands. That's our signal.

10 month picture (I'm a little behind on this one) I can't get her to sit still for these anymore!

11 month picutre. I'm a happy girl!

Mommy and me
I'm a very busy girl. I like to empty my mom's wallet. She has a lot of fun cards in there! (Mommy stopped letting Reece do this when she couldn't find her debit card! - I found it later, though.)

A fun picutre of Reece entertaining herself with the Kleenex box. We were in the living room when she crawled into my bedroom. I waited awhile to go check on her just to see what she was doing, and this is what I found! (I had a fun video, but I don't know how to get it on here :)

A kiss on the cheek for Daddy

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Ocean Isle 2007

Daniel, Reece and I had a great time at the beach! Reece did great on the plane and slept well at the beach house. We had a great time with friends, and beautiful (hot!) weather. The only down side was that we all got a stomach virus when we got home. We are still recovering...

The whole beach gang

Reece's buddy Aron. He's only two days older than her. They had a good time stealing toys from each other.

Reece getting eaten by a shark...don't worry, her daddy saved her.
We visited an aquarium. Reece loved looking at all the fish and other weird creatures.
Don't drop me!!!
Once again, Reece proved herself to be a beach bunny. She ate the sand every chance she got, and she loved to crawl in the waves and suck on the seashells. She loves the beach, just like her parents.

I can't tell if Reece attacked Aden or Aden attacked Reece...
Taken just as a short storm was rolling in.
This is pretty much how things went in a house of 11 people for a week. The kids had fun playing with each other while the adults got hooked on the Discovery channel! none of us have cable at home... :)
Reece and daddy on Reece's first plane ride. I'm sure Daniel was trying to explain to Reece how this whole flying thing works.

Monday, August 13, 2007

9 months--Can you believe it??

9 months!

This past weekend, Reece hit a couple more milestones. I have been trying to teach her to clap for the past few months and on Saturday, in the pool of all places, out of nowhere, Reece clapped!! And she really hasn't stopped since then!! Also, her first tooth started coming in on Friday. I can see just a speck of white in her bottom gums. It's about time! I just love her SO much. Ya know how sometimes you get sick of your dog or mom or sister, well I keep waiting to get sick of her, and I don't think I ever will. I can't get enough of her!

Friday, August 10, 2007

It's Been Awhile...

Galveston Beach Vacation
My WHOLE family went to Galveston for the week and stayed in a beach house together. It was a lot of fun!

Reece loved the sand! I tried and tried to keep her mouth free of sand, but I had to give up because she was a maniac with that sand! She just wanted to eat it and spread it all over her whole body. We has a lot of baths that week!
Sand Eater!

Reece and Rowan in their bikinis! Daniel was out fishing that day and that's how I got away with putting Reece in the bikini!

Reece conked out in the beach chair. All that sand eating and crawling in the waves is hard work!
The whole family at Moody Gardens

I can't believe how time flies! It's been a long time since the last time I posted an update. I have two excuses for this: one, I started a new job three weeks ago, and two, our Internet has been down for about a week. My new job is at a Pediatrician's office three days a week. The kids there are pretty fun and the staff is great! The best part is that I get to spend the mornings and evenings with Reece instead of not seeing her at all when I worked the 12 hour shifts.

Reece is almost 9 months old and is doing great! She is crawling like a pro, pulling up on everything, and has some more great tricks like sharing, waving bye-bye, saying da-da (actually to her daddy!), eating more finger foods, giving kisses, and drinking from a cup (only if I hold it for her).

Daniel is very busy flying and has lots of students. He is also remodeling our bathroom shower, which is a slow process since he is really busy with work, but it looks great so far.
9 month picture coming soon!

Friday, June 22, 2007

We are Busy!

For Daniel's Father's Day gift, I took him to an Astros game. We actually had really great seats. We were in row 36, but towards the end of the game, we moved up to row 10. Unfortunately, Reece did not go with us. It is really loud down there, and I don't think she would have made it through the whole game. Especially since it went into extra innings!Being this close was a first (and probably a last!) for us. I think this is Lidge pitching. It was a really close game, but in the 11th inning, we lost to the Oakland Athletics (what kind of a name is that, anyway!!)

A couple days after the game, Reece and I embarked on our first road trip together (well, we did go to Dallas once before this, but that was a little different.) This is Reece in her first hotel room. We shared a bed!! But, neither one of us really slept that much!
We went in one vhicle to Oklahoma (6 hours away) with 3 adults, one 7 month old, one 10 month old, a 4 year old and a 7 year old. It was a crowd!! This is Reece's cousin Rowan.

The next few pictures are random, but fun.

Reece loves her Daddy!

Our dog is so weird! He is not allowed on the couch, but Daniel is a softy when it comes to this rule. And I guess he's not really on the couch, he's on Daniel! The two of them took a long nap together like this! Is a 100 pound dog still considered a lap dog?

Reece is NOT a boy, but she looks so cute in her cap!

I've been trying to capture her new facial expression on camera all week, and this is the best I've gotten so far. She squenches up her nose and puckers her lips every time is is frustrated, which is a lot lately since she is trying to crawl. I know she's not happy when she does this, but it's SO cute! Reece got her first pair of sandals! She's ready for summer!

A Glimpse into the lives of a family on a journey to serve God through aviation in Indonesia!