Thursday, March 25, 2010

Visit to Tulsa-better late than never

This trip really took place about 3 weeks ago, but time flies, I guess!

We took and weekend trip to visit my Grandmother-the kids' great grandmother. We had fun playing in her apartment, going out to eat and visiting with other relatives including my Great Uncle and my Great aunt Marion-who I didn't get a good picture with :(

Joe just climbed right up in my Grandmothers lap so she could read him this book. He has been more interested in books lately, which is exciting for me! This "reading" only lasted about one minute!

Us with Uncle David!

It was such a nice weekend so we spent some time in the courtyard of my Grandmother's building to let the kids run around. Quick family pic!

Best Buds....hopefully someday!!

Right before we said our goodbyes! Oh, it was a long flight home!!

But Reece was livin the dream with her own window seat on the airplane, her own personal DVD player with a NEW Dora princess show and her own snack while Daniel and I were suffering with a cranky, wiggly, tired toddler in our laps! Reece, unlike her mother, LOVED flying! She gigged and smiled when we took of and landed. Her Daddy was so happy she liked it!

Bonus pic of Mommy and Joe Man. He's going through a phase where he'll say "cheese" (his own version of the word) when I hold the camera up. It's so nice to have pictures of his handsome face!

Rodeo 2010...Yeeee Haaaaw!

This is another one of those better-late-than-never posts... I've had it ready for awhile but for some reason or another keep forgetting to post.
Daniel and I felt obligated to take our kids to the Houston livestock show and rodeo this year since it will be our last opportunity to go for quiet awhile... I don't think they have rodeos in Indonesia! It is always fun to visit the rodeo, but we waited until the last week, so we had to fight the crowds of spring-breakers, but the kids had a great time.
Yep, this is a two stroller trip. What do people do when they have more than two kids??? And, notice Reece would have nothing to do with the boots and jeans look. Only pink, frilly skirts and shirts for this girly-girl! :) Oh, and we got to ride the metro rail down to the rodeo, and that was another big, exciting moment!

Joe trying to get IN the cages with the animals!

Now Reece has to give it a try.

"Look at THAT, Daddy!"

The petting zoo was a huge hit! I always forget how eager those animals are to get a treat!

After seeing Joe go for it in the petting zoo, I think this little boy might end up being a farmer!! He was SO excited about all the animals. It didn't matter how big or small the animals were, Joe went right for it. Reece has always been so timid in petting zoos, so it was fun to see Joe love it right from the start.

"I'm not scared of you!!" said Joe!

We thought it was so cute to see this little animal literally hanging out in a pouch!

Joe was totally pooped out! He fell asleep with Daddy walking him around as Reece and I waited in line to ride the ponies.

This was a shining moment for Reece. The line was SOOOO long, but she stuck with it the whole time. I'm not sure I've ever seen this little girl so patient before. She sat quietly in her stroller the whole time in line. I think we waited AT LEAST an hour. I kept telling her that we could go do some other things instead of waiting, but she kept saying, "No. I want to wait." And she did! She loved the pony ride. Her pony was named "Linda Lou," which delighted her. And, the lady behind us bought her a pony coloring book. The SIX dollars for the 3 minute ride was worth her joy and happiness!

Reece waiting excitedly and patiently with her little friends that she met in the line. She was such a big girl...didn't even need my help! (sniff sniff**)

Reece waiting with her ticket in hand. It made me laugh that the back said, "Good for one FREE pony ride." Yeah, except the ticket cost me SIX dollars!! I know...I'm so cheap.
So, that's our fun-filled day. We will miss you, Houston Rodeo.

Fun with Chalk

We have been enjoying the beautiful weather by spending some play time outside! We have a nice play area outside our townhouse, but sometimes it's nice to contain the kids in our little patio. Reece is a great chalker, so we make whole towns for her horses and other play people and animals. You can see the sun she made in the middle of this pic. Kelly was over this day to help us color. Thanks, Kelly! :)

Fun times!

Fun at Grandmama's and Grandad's House

These pictures are actually from February when Daniel and I went to Austin for the weekend. I just got the pictures from my mom's camera. I don't think Reece and Joe missed us much! They had many fun activities at Grandmama's house AND they got to go to their cousin Will's first birthday party!

Reece doing some kind of painting project.

Dancing maybe?

Jumping with cousin Rowan!

All dressed up and no where to go...

Making Valentines purses with Rowan. This came home full of chocolates, which we are STILL eating!

Waiting for some dinner!

These two had a blast on their grandparent vacation! Joe used to cry when we went over to their house, but now he just runs right in.

Thanks SO much Mom and Dad/ Grandad and Grandmama!!

Thoughts Worth Thinking About

About a month ago, I got on a house cleaning kick. I started receiving the Fly Lady emails everyday and was enjoying a good routine of cleaning. It was fun to get her emails and it has been good to clean things out and "de-clutter." But, after about a month of this, I started to get the itch to fill up my free time with something I really enjoyed doing and don't get the chance to do very much...READING!
I LOVE to read and I'll read basically anything. I have a bad habit of reading the first few chapters of a book or skipping around in the book reading only what looks interesting. (Hey, if you're a busy mom, you'll understand and you wouldn't want to waste your time on a chapter you didn't care about!)
I just finished Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver and I today I finished Shadow of the Almighty: The Life and Testament of Jim Elliot by Elisabeth Elliot.
This was a very thought provoking book. I would recommend it highly. It only took me about a week to read. It's a very easy read and very interesting. Jim Elliot had a lot of ideas that I have been thinking about lately, and here is one I'll share with you...
"I am now aware that my reasons for not being engaged [to his future wife, Elisabeth Elliot] are hidden in the counsels of God's Spirit. I simply know it is not for now-that knowledge is inward, God-given, and to be obeyed at whatever cost. There are no explanations except that God leads, and He does not let a man know why He leads. Faith binds a man to what he knows inside, like may coming to Ecuador. the world could not shake the persuasion. 'The just shall live by faith.' Faith-not alone in facts and a rational apologetic-but in the reality of the inward work of the anointing which he possesses though the gift of the Holy Spirit. I must maintain a surer belief in the Spirit of God. It is no mere tenet of faith that He indwells the believer. he does indwell, and there He accomplishes His work of informing the spirit of man."
Taken from Shadow of the Almighty, page 174&175
I can apply this to so many area's of my life right now. If we are "dwelling in the house of the Lord...gazing on His beauty," and, "seeking His face," and waiting on Him, He will lead and guide us. This is SO good and comforting to me!
Some other books that are in line for me to read:
Oxygen (given to me by my mother-in-law...not sure what it's about)
The Poisonwood Bible
Three Cups of Tea
I also really enjoy reading books to Reece (and I would love reading to Joe, too, IF he would sit still for long enough!) We go to the library about once a week and get as many books as will fit into our library bag. I think I'm just as excited to read them as she is! Then, we end up loving one or two of the books we've read and I have to put in on our Amazon wish list! :) A few books on this list right now are:
Where is Bear?
Puff the Magic Dragon
Skinny Brown Dog
Dora and the Magic Snow Princess (Reece's pick :)
Big Brown Bear's Birthday Surprise (and other Big Brown Bear books)
The Missing Chick
We have also been getting a lot of audio books, too. Haven't found many we really like, though.
Do you have any favorite books for either me or Reece to read? What about audio books? Any suggestions?

Friday, March 12, 2010

New from the Perez Family

Hi, Friends!!
Here is our March Newsletter! We hope you enjoy reading about our family and news about MAF.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


So, it seems that the MAF video I posted is a little finicky about working. If you are still interested in watching the video, you can go here to see all the different MAF videos. I like the "evangelism and church nurture" one.

A Glimpse into the lives of a family on a journey to serve God through aviation in Indonesia!