We were kinda hoping for this assignment, but didn't really want to admit it so we wouldn't be disappointed or seem like we were unwilling to go someplace. So, we're very excited!! There are four MAF bases in the country of Indonesia and we won't know which one we will be going to for awhile since the needs change so frequently. We have MUCH to learn about this country and its people.
We have a three day weekend this weekend to rest up and soak in all the changes our family will be going through. Then next week is security training and then the next two weeks after that we learn how to raise support!
If you want to know a little bit more about MAF's work in Indonesia, keep reading:
The MAF bases in Indonesia:
1 & 2. Kalimantan
Indonesia's province of Kalimantan occupies the largest portion of the island of Borneo (there are two MAF bases on this island, which is the big on kind of in the middle) and shares its landmass with Malaysia. One of the world's most isolated and remote areas, it remains largely undeveloped. The geographical and logistical barriers are forbidding. Dense rain forests, impenetrable mountains, arduous terrain, and the absence of roads leave villages isolated, limiting access to the Gospel and life-sustaining services such as health clinics and education beyond elementary school.
In 1969, MAF began to serve mission groups and the emerging indigenous churches of Kalimantan.
3. Papua
Note: Papua, Indonesia, should not be confused with Papua New Guinea (PNG), which covers the eastern half of the Island of New Guinea and surrounding islands.
MAF-Australia operates in PNG.
In Papua, unreached people groups in the western half of the island live hidden away in rain forests, mountains, and swamps. From six bases of operations, MAF reaches deep into the interior, penetrating some of the world's most remote areas to bring the Gospel and improve the quality of life for isolated Papuans.
As recently as 1997, Stone Age tribes were being discovered in Papua, still untouched and unreached. Today, other primitive tribes still live in the hidden crevices of the island. Yet to hear of Jesus Christ, they are bound by spiritual darkness and live in fear of spirits and the outside world.
Basic services such as schools and health clinics are unavailable in remote areas. As a result, countless Papuans unsuccessfully battle chronic malaria, rampant skin fungi, malnutrition, and intestinal worms.
The need in Papua is so great that MAF pilots report being able to accommodate less than half of the flight requests they receive. Throughout Papua, there are few viable alternatives to Mission Aviation Fellowship air service in the regions served by its planes.
Since 1952, MAF has brought hope and support to this rugged and forbidding place. Today, 38 MAF missionary families, two short-term staff, and more than 80 Indonesian staff members serve from six bases in Papua. Thirteen MAF aircraft, as well as three email hubs and communications networks, multiply the effectiveness of some 65 agencies and hundreds of churches ministering in Papua. MAF services impact more than 250 ethnic groups by maximizing and sustaining evangelism, Church nurture, medical assistance, community development, education, crisis relief, and the training and leadership development of Papuans.
4. Sumatra
Sumatra is the second-largest island in Indonesia, and home to approximately 45 million people. In ancient times Sumatra was known as the "Island of Gold." Despite its deposits of oil and natural gas, as well as other resources, some 27 percent of the people of northern Sumatra live in poverty, compared to 17 percent in Indonesia as a whole.
In December 2004, a 9.2 magnitude earthquake caused a devastating tsunami to crash across the Aceh area of northern Sumatra. More than 170,000 people were killed and 550,000 displaced. Geographical areas were disfigured, and the transportation infrastructure was destroyed.
Though MAF did not have a base in Sumatra at the time, the agency was one of the first to respond to the disaster, initially sending aircraft and personnel from the MAF program in Kalimantan. MAF also provided communications services to support the relief efforts.
Four years later, life is assuming a semblance of normalcy for many people in the tsunami-stricken area. Most of those who were displaced now have homes to live in, and the healthcare system is continually improving.
Many of the humanitarian agencies involved in the rebuilding efforts have departed. MAF is one of only a handful of Christian agencies remaining in the area, providing the predominantly Muslim population with a tangible expression of God’s love.
Having served in Indonesia since 1954, the long-term commitment of MAF is recognized and deeply appreciated. Government officials have invited MAF to extend its ministry indefinitely in the province of Aceh. This opens a door of unequaled opportunity to demonstrate practical expressions of God’s love while establishing transformational relationships.
If you want to know even MORE about MAF, you can go to there website (where all of this was taken, but there is a lot more info there) at
www.maf.orgIf you want to know EVEN MORE about MAF (wow, you must REALLY want to know a lot about MAF!) you can watch this 3.5 minute video: