Friday, July 10, 2009

Joe Update and MAF Update

We had a great first two days of our candidacy this week. We learned about MAF Africa, Asia and Latin America. God is doing so many amazing things that I didn't even know about in these regions through MAF. I wish I could explain all of them to you. We are also doing a neat Bible study called "Unveiled" which teaches about God's purpose for all nations coming to know Him as a theme in the entire Bible.
We continue to pray that God would give us and the MAF staff direction on where He wants us to serve. There are so many exciting things happening!
Things with Julie are going well. Joe sleeps so much, and I come back to nurse him, so he has been pretty content. I think Julie and Reece may be getting a little bored just staying in the apartment all day. I'm trying to think of some more creative things for them to do, but I'm running out of things! Anyone have ideas for thing that a 19-yr old babysitter and a 2 year old can do together at home?
Our house is not "officially" rented out, but we have some renters who are days away from signing a lease!! We have been working out all the details with them and our Realtor, so we hope things will move along with them quickly. They just sold their house and are in the process of building, so they sound like they will be easy to work with and very dependable. Please pray that they would sign a lease quickly.
I forgot to post some really neat pictures of Bryce Canyon. We dove through the national park in Utah on the way to Salt Lake City. It was really amazing and so different from the Grand Canyon. They are not really comparable since they are so different. The GC is so huge and unbelievable, but Bryce Canyon is smaller but so interesting to look at all the details.
It was still chilly there. I think the elevation was about 8-9 thousand feet!

This is a picture of our kitchen in our apartment before my camera battery died!!

This is Joe at 8 1/2 months old. He has been working on crawling for the past week, but today he really started to take off! He also started giving the sweet, open-mouthed baby kisses the other day! I can only get him to do it once and awhile. I'll say, "Joe, give me a kiss!" and I'll pucker up my lips to him and most of the time he makes this squishy face like he's just tasted something yucky... what a stinker!! :)
Here's a short video of him crawling. He's even better at it now!

These are some pictures of Reece when she was 8 months old. She is so much smaller, but much better at moving around. I watched a video of her crawling, and she is so fast and better than Joe! I think it's because she had less weight to get off the ground (At least that's Daniel's theory!)

Oh, my sweet little baby girl. I miss her being that little, but she's so fun and loving now.


Nalley Family said...

Look at Joe move!! I miss that little guy! I am so glad you are enjoying your classes. I am praying for you guys! I can't wait to find out where you guys are going to serve! Give Reece and Joe big hugs and kisses.

Nalley Family said...

Look at Joe move!! I miss that little guy! I am so glad you are enjoying your classes. I am praying for you guys! I can't wait to find out where you guys are going to serve! Give Reece and Joe big hugs and kisses.

Margaret said...

I love Reece dancing around in her towel in the background. Miss you guys!

Margaret said...

Okay, I'm sure you knew I'd have ideas for entertaining Reece. I don't know what you have with you, but some cheap things that Julie could do with her...

Playdough (and cookie cutters from the dollar store)
Don't know if you have a printer, but you could print out coloring pages
Make a music shaker or binoculars with toilet paper tubes
Playing in a kitchen sink of water with kitchen items
Dancing to music (Caroline's new favorite thing)
Pat-a-cake (I'm trying to get Caroline to alternate between clapping and high fiving my hands)
Hide-n-go seek (Caroline hides in her closet over and over again)
Make a "doll house" from a box and decorate with crayons (we have one from an Amazon box for our dollar store Mickey figurines)
Make a tent with a sheet over your table (playing with flashlights in the tent if fun if you have one with you)

I hope there's something on that list that you haven't already tried. I'm sure your toy supply is limited right now.

Do we have an address for you there? Caroline has some things to send Reece.

A Glimpse into the lives of a family on a journey to serve God through aviation in Indonesia!